Twisted Ending of How I Met Your Mother.

Hai, postingan kali ini adalah komentar dari penggemar HIMYM yang sebenernya juga bingung mau komen apa sama ending HIMYM yang ugh banget. This post contains spoilers, so if you’re not up to date on the How I Met Your Mother conclusion, you might not want to continue reading!

Oke, jadi gimana ya, bingung harus mulai dari mana.

1. Barney&Robin got divorced. It was a horrible feeling when the past few seasons have been all about building up Barney and Robin’s relationship, but in the end they got divorced. Tapi ini masih bisa diterima, soalnya cara mereka pisah sweet banget.

2. Robin keluar dari geng. Biarpun ini sedih pake banget, tapi masih ketutup sama percakapan terakhir Robin sama Lily yang unjuh banget.

3. Barney's baby. Obviously that baby was the best thing that could ever happen to him and it was a beautiful moment. "You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever" *cry a river* Mesti nonton, dan pasti bakal setuju kalo scene dimana Barney liat anaknya adalah heartwarming moment banget:")

4. Ted's wedding. Too sweeeeet, no coment.

5. "And that's how I met your mother" Okay, I wish it's all over. This is the end of How I Met Your Mother. I really wish. But...

6. The Mother died. I've been waiting for 9 season and all I got is The Mother is d..d..i..urghhh.

7. Ted and Robing end up together. This is the real ending."I thought it was How I Met Your Mother, not "How I Went Back To Your Aunt Robin About 20 Times" " 

Tapi sebenernya yang gue gasuka cuma endingnya. Tetep aja How I Met Your Mother adalah tv show favorit gue sepanjang masa...bakal terus rewatch deh:'''( POKOKNYA HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER IS SOOOO WORTH TO WATCH!!!*without the ending*



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